Blade and Light Performs Mohs Surgery and Cures Skin Cancer in Sofia, Bulgaria
In June of 2013, a Blade and Light team travelled to Sofia, Bulgaria. Blade and Light team members participated in that Bulgarian Dermatology national meeting, gave lectures on skin cancer, mohs surgery and reconstruction principles. The Blade and Light team also operated on selected skin cancer patients performing Mohs Surgery and reconstruction. This surgery was simulcast to a group of Bulgarian dermatologists and plastic surgeons. Dan Berg moderated this session. Blade and Light Itnernational would like to thank the hard work and generous hospitality of our hosts Dr.Valeria Mateeva and her team at the Military Dermatology Clinic.
Blade and Light US Team Leader:
Dr. Dan Berg
Blade and Light Team Members:
Murad Alam, MD
Norma Anderson, BA
Dan Berg, MD
Hayes Gladstone, MD
Alysa Herman, MD
Jonathan Olson, MD